The short fantasy/horror film Tauro (Spain - 2018) is Official Selection at theOptical Theatre Film Festival 2018 For the following categories:
- "Best Bizarre"
- "Best Cinematography"
- "Best Actor" (Agus Ruiz)
- "Best Music"
Written and directed by Diana Caro, this 20-minute Spanish short also blurs into the historical and dramatic genres.
The protagonist of the story is Taurus, a misfit who lives in a maze and questions his life and identity. The boundaries between freedom, justice, love, and revenge will be challenged as the struggles go on unabated.
In the cast of Tauro: Agus Ruiz, Claudia Gago, Santiago Asgi and Denis Rafter.
Photography is by Daniel González while the soundtrack is by Antonio Jesus Asiain.
All the Official Selections of Optical 2018.