Dark Waters (aka Temnye vody), the supernatural thriller/horror by Italian director Mariano Baino, will be screened at "The Music Box Theatre," Chicago's largest cinema. The date is set for Oct. 7, 2017, at 6 p.m., during The Music Box of Horrors film marathon held annually at the facility. Event (run by Will Morris and Ryan Ostreich, the Music Box manager) during which 24 hours of uninterrupted screenings will be witnessed. Director Mariano Baino will be on hand to introduce his film and meet with the audience after the screening.
Dark Waters (Russia, Italy, Great Britain - 1993) is a Lovecraftian horror film that has become a cult favorite among fans of the genre. In fact, the film is inspired by the short story "The Mask of Innsmouth" ("The Shadow Over Innsmouth") by H.P. Lovecraft and features Elizabeth (Louise Salter), a girl who, following the death of her father, reaches a monastery located on an island. There, the young woman wants to find out the reason for the large donations made by her deceased parent to the nuns. Once there, Elizabeth will be confronted with a gruesome reality: the nuns of the monastery practice satanic rituals in the facility's catacombs.
In the cast of Dark Waters: Louise Salter, Venera Simmons, Lubov Snegur, Mariya Kapnist, Albina Skarga, Valeriy Bassel, Pavel Sokolov, Anna Rose Phipps, Valeriy Kopaev, Ludmila Marufova, Tanya Dobrovolskaya, Kristina Spivak, and Nadezhda Trimasova.
The screenplay for the film was written by Baino himself in collaboration with Andy Bar.
The film is produced by Victor Zuev.
Dark Waters is available in DVD and Blu-ray with Severin Films.