TetroVideo has announced the release of Philosophy of a Knife (2008), the horror extreme directed by Russian director Andrey Iskanov (Nails, Vision of Suffering). The film will be released for the first time on Blu-ray, with a rich special content section and subtitles in English, French, Italian and German.
The market release date has not yet been disclosed.
Produced, written and directed by visionary Andrey Iskanov, Philosophy of a Knife is an extreme docu-horror film lasting more than 4 hours. The film, divided into two parts, is acted in Russian and is shot in black and white except for the interviews with a Russian doctor contained therein.
Philosophy of a Knife blends Iskanov's artistic and deviant staging with archival material concerning the horrific, aberrant experiments inflicted by the Japanese Unit 731 (a group operating from 1936 to 1945) on Chinese prisoners.