Interview with Burns The Dragon, freak show performer, snake handler and extreme body modification enthusiast. He is much more than a freak, he is an incredible performer and a fine entertainer.
Burns The Dragon, that's his stage name, tells us about his identity, body modification, and his dangerous performances such as the "Block Head," fire show, "Glass Walking," hook suspension, and more...
L: Hi Burns The Dragon, thank you for offering some of your time. Where are you from? Tell us a little bit about yourself.
BTD: Well, I was born and raised in the Greater Vancouver area in BC Canada. I like collecting glass pieces I find on the beach and conquering castles!
L: You are a freak show performer and snake handler. How long have you been performing for people? How have your techniques evolved over the years?
BTD: I started performing on the street as a "living statue" or "Silver Statue" when I was 17 years old. People would put money in my hat to watch me perform, and once I finished, I would return to being still. I went from being a living statue to performing on stage about 5 years ago when I started working at a Sideshow specializing in shock performance.
L: Your performances are quite crazy. Can you tell us about them?
BTD: Sure, I'll start with the less shocking ones. "Block Head" is the act in which I drive a nail into my nasal cavity, then pull up with my nose a condom and pull it out of my mouth... Another action I perform is to walk barefoot on glass or on a bed of nails... I balance myself standing on a pipe. This is called "Rola Bola." But my most mind-blowing performance is of course the "Hook Suspension" in which I hang from slaughter hooks, my flesh is pierced by hooks, and as I fly I can grab and lift people off the ground!
L: What is the most dangerous one? What was the most terrifying moment that occurred during one of your performances?
BTD: You would think that "Hook Suspension" would be the most dangerous... but it's not! I perform with fire following some rules and once I even had an assistant who accidentally set the fuel supply on fire though... It was terrible for both me and her. Fortunately, no one was injured except for a couple of burns I sustained on my hand. Thanks to the safety equipment, we were able to put out the fire in time, with no damage to us or the premises!
L: Have you ever been injured during shows or ended up in the hospital?
BTD: Fortunately, I was never hospitalized (knock on wood). I only suffered minor burns or cuts but nothing serious!
L: What do you like most about your shows?
BTD: Simple, I love the adrenaline rush I feel every time I'm there in front of hundreds of people or as I'm being lifted off the ground by the hooks... Nothing else besides that can give me similar emotions.
L: Tell us a little about your show and how the audience reacts to your shock performances.
BTD: I start the show with juggling acts giving the crowd a false sense of security. Then I continue with increasingly bizarre acts. The crowd usually cheers and shocks, sometimes screams but let's just say they get pretty excited!
L: What do you think about body modification? Can you talk about your body modification?
BTD: Simply, I like it. I have subcutaneous horn implants, a forked tongue, cropped ears and tattooed eyes! I love my body modifications and I am just getting started! My goal is to be tattooed from head to toe like a dragon, and of course with proper body mods.
L: Why "Burns The Dragon?" You love extreme body modification and you want to turn into a human dragon... also you are participating in the Guinness World Record next October. Can you tell us about it?
BTD: Why a dragon...? I don't know why but I have always been fascinated by reptiles since I was 12 years old, especially dragons. My Guinness World Record challenge is for: The Longest Tattoo (in completion time). The current record is 50 hrs. and 10 min. held by Brandon Fancie (the artist) and I plan to break it and get tattooed for 60 to 72 hours! The plan is to get wings and a spine tattooed all over my back and with a tail wrapping around my right leg. I am very excited!
L: Good luck! What are your future plans?
BTD: I have many ... I want to push the limits of man ... I want every kind of body modification that is currently feasible ... more than the ones we have already tried. Of course, the theme will always have to be the "dragon." I plan to have scarifications (skin removal) done to have an uneven skin texture that will then have to be tattooed on the surface.
L: Would you like to leave a message to Italy and the readers of DarkVeins?
BTD: Always do what you like, no matter how strange it may be. Weird is just a side effect of being IMPRESSIVE!