Produced by Dark Spirit Films and directed by Alan Murray (Burdens We Bare), the supernatural horror Beyond Hell (Canada - 2019) will arrive on streaming platforms on December 4, 2020 with Indican Pictures. On the occasion of the release, the film's poster and trailer were also released.
The story of Beyond Hell follows the story of Maryssa (Kearsten Johansson), a girl who sinks to hell after taking a powerful drug.
Plot: After trying a new version of the drug Changa, Maryssa will end up a prisoner of a hellish dimension, subjected to the demon Belial. Through Maryssa, the powerful mythological demonic figure will begin to kill the girl's friends, depriving them of life in horrific ways.
The cast also includes Sean Rey (Hemlock Grove), Sebastian Deery (Pure Pwnage), Dominique Smith (The Charter) and Chris Kapeleris.
The screenplay was written by Alan Murray himself.
In 2019 Beyond Hell has been presented at several festivals, including the Canada's Film Festival and the Scare Fest Horror Convention where he received the "Best Special Effects" jury award (Prasanna Paul).
The poster: